How To Get Your Website on Google

Responsive Website Design

To get your website listed in Google search results you’re going to want sign up for Google’s Search Console program. Once you’ve set a Google Search Console Account you’ll be able to submit crawl request to Google. Requesting a crawl from Google will notify them that your website exist or that you’ve added new content to an existing page.

If you’re starting your online marketing efforts all of this may sound a little confusing to you. Below I’ve explained a little bit about what these words mean and how you can start taking action today.

Responsive Website Design

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console - Is a program that Google created for website owners so that they can see data about how their website/webpages are doing in Google’s search results. Google Search Console can help you analyze and keep track of a lot of useful information.

This information can help you create better content so that you can get more web traffic to your website. Some of that information includes things like the search queries your website is appearing for, the positions your webpages are ranked, if your pages are even in the search results, and so much more. Google Search Console is a vital part of any SEO campaigns and familiarizing yourself with it should a priority if you want your website to rank high in the search result.

What is Crawling/Crawl Requests for Search Engines?

Have you ever wondered how Google finds webpages it uses to provide it’s users with answers. The answer to that is robots. Robots or ‘bots’ are programs that are used to scour the internet with the purpose of collecting data/content from websites so Google can provide useful information to their users. In order to get your website crawled you can either wait until Google finds your website which can take weeks if not months, or you can sign up for Google like I mentioned earlier in this article and speed up the process by just a few days.

What Is Indexing? - Search Engines

Indexing After Google has found your content through crawling it then has to decided if the information on your website/webpages is good enough to be listed in their search results. This process takes a lot of factors into consideration some of which are pretty well known and others that Google doesn’t really let anyone know about. Generally speaking if the page you’re trying to get listed in Google’s search results are well written, are a decent length, and have some informative and useful content then Google will most likely index it.

What Is Search Engine Ranking?

While ranking may not be a step in actually getting your website listed in Google search results it’s important that you know about it so that you can progress in your search engine optimization efforts. Ranking is how Google determines what position your page appears in. The more relevant and useful information on a page is the higher it ranks in search results. Keep in mind that their are also a lot of other factors that determine a pages position in the search engine.

Another Thing To Keep In Mind About Google

Another thing to consider about this process is that Google will eventually find your website and list it in their search results. Google is pretty good at navigating the internet and finding pages all across the web. Even if your page has a minimal amount of content Google will eventually find it and list in their search results.

If getting your website listed as soon as possible is your priority their is some action you can take so keep reading.